
CM Y: Duel Weilding Mastery

CM-Y enables you to master duel-weilding as you model 2 masters in action. In this lesson, two lumens are matched up duel-wielding versus single saber just like in CM-V. Notation below for Lumen 2 - Duel Wielder is noted with which hand is used to strike with the staff. L stands for Left. R stands for Right hand.

Lumen 112195St-BBl-33P101
Lumen 212PR-1PL-9PR-5PCW-L>RL-3C+R-9CL-12CCCW:R>LR-3CCW:R>L102
Lumen 15PSt-BDuck3PXGrabBend Arm Back105
Lumen 2L-5CW-R>LL-11+R-11L-3X12Locked106
Posted by mcjadmin

CM L: Staff vs Sabers – part 2

CM-L expands the staff lesson into the SaberCraft framework. In this lesson, two lumens are matched up saber versus staff just like in CM-K. Notation below for Lumen 2 - Staff is noted with which hand is used to strike with the staff. L stands for Left. R stands for Right hand. Hand positions are up to the Lumeneer but we recommend Right-hand palm facing down and Left-hand palm facing up.

Lumen 19P5PJump3P1P11P101
Lumen 2Fl:P L-RR9L5R7© (x2)L3R1L11102
Lumen 14P8P1P3P Back9PXL1PR5P12P105
Lumen 2R4L8R1L3R9X1512Kick106
Posted by mcjadmin

CM-D: Dynamic Combat

Choreographed Movements: CM D

Dynamic Combat by switching between attackers

In this CM, we cover building a dialog between 2 opponents. By switching who is the attacker, we build a simple choreography movement that allows 2 players to trade strikes rather than 1 player doing all the attacks. By incorporating sections of previous CMs, we build a dialog that switches between CM-A, CM-B and CM-C. CM-D introduces two 2 elements:

  1. Thrusts noted by a 0 (zero) in the notation.
  2. Unconventional Blocks by introducing an alternative angle to a block.

Telegraph: Reverse Flourish
Lumina Score: 3

Posted by mcjadmin

CM-C: Completes

CM-C: Completes & Complete Across ©

A Complete is a wide arc swing that flows through uninterrupted. A Complete Across is when you commit a wide arc swing at a particular target point but move parallel to the ground. Completes and Complete Across we note with a © symbol meaning that the swing is not interrupted and moving across parallel to the ground. In this lesson, we cover 1©, 5©, 12©.

Posted by mcjadmin

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Posted by mcjadmin

Founder, Instructor Alfred Smith


Alfred Smith, Founder, Saber Instructor - Level 3

Alfred Smith is one of South Florida original LED saber instructors and helped define the local saber scene. Originally a student of Aikido and a Certified Yoga Instructor (RYT200), Alfred was teaching Yoga in South Florida. In his early roots, he studied and taught NCSCS system in the first LED saber club of South Florida he founded called the Magic City Knights. The MCJ was a group that would do public performances and a core group of Star Wars fans that put on shows and taught the public saber combat basics.

In 2016, Alfred opened SaberCraft.org rebuilding the saber combat system from scratch. He created the LUMINA notation system (originally 'Temporal" notation system) for the purpose of building a framework for the language and notation of saber combat choreographies. Built around the image of a clock, it made the system easy to understand globally to all cultures. LUMINA also introduced the idea of putting together a series of attack and defenses in a small bite-sized patterns that make choreographies easier to learn. This innovative form of patterns applied to saber choreography stems from roots in katas for Karate and Yoga vinyasa.

Alfred was co-founder of Saber Guild: Dagobah Temple of South Florida and has written, performed and coordinated a variety of events for the organization. Alfred participates with our sister organization, the Saber Legion, at their local saber chapter meets.

In 2018, Alfred worked with members of SaberCraft to define a new aspect of instruction and mastery in a sport titled "Lumina" that helps saber students take their saber abilities to the next level. Half choreography based on the CMs and half improvisation where the CMs can be re-arranged on the spot - LUMINA is the world's first saber choreography game that can be played and adapted to any other saber club system.

Alfred continues teaching at SaberCraft.org in Miami and works with local non-profits and municipal parks to get SaberCraft to the community.

Posted by mcjadmin

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Posted by mcjadmin

Oakland League New Library

Oakland League

CM: TS1S1S2S3S4S5S6Points
Posted by mcjadmin

GS League New Library

GS Library

Lumen A123456789181
Lumen B1P2P3P4P5P6P7P8P9P2
Lumen A1011121314151617185
Lumen B10P11P12P13P14P15P16P17P18P6
Lumen A123456789129
Lumen B1P2P3P4P5P6P7P8P9P10
Lumen A10111213141513
Lumen B10P11P12P13P14P15P14
Lumen A1112131415111213141817
Lumen B11P12P13P14P15P11P12P13P14P18
Lumen A15131415141513141521
Lumen B15P13P14P15P14P15P13P14P15P22
Lumen A1234567111225
Lumen B1P2P3P4P5P6P7P11P12P26
Lumen A13131415141513141529
Lumen B13P13P14P15P14P15P13P14P15P30
CM: TS5S1S2S3S4S5S6S7S8S9Points33
Lumen A14151617141516171634
Lumen B14P15P16P17P14P15P16P17P16P35
Lumen A17131415141513141538
Lumen B17P13P14P15P14P15P13P14P15P39
Posted by mcjadmin