
CM-G: Thrusts, Locks & Movie Choreography

CM-G is a saber choreography modeled after the famous battle between father and son in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. This choroegraphy is inspired as there is no official documentation for the entire battle. For the purposes of editing, sometimes frames are flipped around to better capture the choreography narrative.  This particular choreography also uses locks throughout which should help the Lumen know when to hold for a particular pause in the battle to add to the drama of the fight. CM-G is worth 2 points in LUMINA. To learn its notation and more about the SaberCraft system, please visit SaberCraft.org

Telegraph: Forward Eight Flourish OR Helicopter + Position 3
Original Choreography: LvV
Lumina Score: 2

Posted by mcjadmin in Advanced Program, Curriculum, Knights, Lessons, Online Lessons

CM-P – Dooku vs Anakin

CM-P, or as we call it: Dooku vs. Anakin, is a choreography inspired by the Dooku vs. Anakin fight from Star Wars: Episode 3 - Revenge of the Sith (see original video). CM P is also considered CM-91 and worth 2 points in LUMINA gaming. In this saber choreography, Kristianna Jones and Victoria de Cun from SaberCraft.org walk you through the roles in this action packed choreography. Choreography notation by: Kristianna Jones.

Notated by:

Kristianna "Halin" Jones

Assisted by:

Victoria Vek'tra de Cun

Victoria Vek'tra de Cun


CM-P-TelegraphClaw + Position 1

Original Battle

CM-P (CM Powerplay:61 - 62)

CM: 91 - Dooku vs Anakin (Rev of the Sith)
Telegraph: Claw + Position 1
Lumina Points: 3

CM: 92 - Dooku vs Anakin (Rev of the Sith)
Lumina Points: 1
Posted by mcjadmin in Lessons, Online Lessons

CM-O – Musashi vs Tanaka

CM-O, or as we call it: Space Samurai, is a choreography inspired by the Musashi versus Tanaka fight from Westworld Season 2, Episode 5 (see original video). Each CM up to this point has been 1 CM out of our CM Core library; CM-O is first in the CORE Library that is actually a combination of 1 or more CMs. In this case, we are combining 2 stand-alone CMs CM 51 (worth 2 points) and CM 52 (worth 2 points) and combining them into 1 LUMINA Powerplay which we then call CM-O (worth 5 points). In this saber choreography, instructors Amen Abdou and Alexis Adames from SaberCraft.org walk you through the roles in this action packed choreography. Choreography notation by: Amen Abdou.


Lumen A steps forward bends front knee at 45°, places saber at rear hip as if holstered, head tilted forward as if to lunge. Example:

Telegraph CM-O


CM-O (CM Powerplay:51 - 52)

CM: 51 - Musashi vs Takana (Westworld)
Telegraph: Lunge with hip holster
Lumina Points: 2

CM: 51 - Musashi vs Takana (Westworld)
Telegraph: N/A
Lumina Points: 2
CM:52 - Musashi vs Takana (Westworld)

Original Battle

CM-O Interpretation Battle

CM-O demod by students

Posted by mcjadmin in Lessons, Online Lessons

CM-H: Continuous Flow

CM-H is an easy saber choreography for duelists to develop continuous flow. As a 6-hit combination, it crosses the body in a zig-zag motion allowing a lot of improve to be associated with this sequence. CM-H is worth 1 points in LUMINA. To learn its notation and more about the SaberCraft system, please visit SaberCraft.org

Telegraph: Both hands holding the saber hilt horizontally
Lumina Score: 1

Posted by mcjadmin in Advanced Program, Curriculum, Knights, Lessons, Online Lessons

CM-C: Completes and Telegraphs

In this CM, you will notice a parameter that has been added to a particular defense. When a number goes after P, you can modify it with the "M" designator to specify where the tip of the saber is pointing for that particular defense pose. In this CM, we commit to a 3 Parry noted 3P but we turn saber to point its tip down to the 6 0'clock position. This defensive posture looks like you are defending one side of your body but appears as if you are blocking a strike from behind. This is notated as 3PM6, as it is a 3 Parry, Modified with the saber to point at the 6 position (blade pointed down).

Telegraph: Forward Flourish
Lumina Score: 2

Posted by mcjadmin


The CM-40 series captures cinematic history in the first epic battle between father and son. Below is the notation choreography as we notate all parts of this battle.




Posted by mcjadmin

CM L: OvM 2 – Staff vs Sabers

CM-L continues staff-work and provides a 2nd installment to K to create a long bout between 2 lumens using a staff vs. saber combination. Notation below for Staff is noted with which hand is used to strike with the staff. L stands for Left. R stands for Right hand. Hand positions are up to the Lumeneer but we recommend Right-hand palm facing down and Left-hand palm facing up.

Posted by mcjadmin

CM-E: Special Moves & Counter Attacks

CM-E  combines multiple partner attacks and allows for both 1-on-1 and 2-on-1 battle scenarios. This quick choreography movement introduces adding special moves as milestones between switching partners. CM-E is worth 3 points in LUMINA. To learn its notation and more about the SaberCraft system, please visit SaberCraft.org

Telegraph: Saber goes horizontally across chest in slow cut
Lumina Score: 3

Posted by mcjadmin in Advanced Program, Curriculum, Knights, Lessons, Online Lessons

Return of the Jedi: Notated Choreography


Telegraph: Helicopter + Position 1
Lumina Score: 2


Telegraph: Helicopter + Position 2
Lumina Score: 2

CM-13 / CM-G

This particular CM is also designated as CM-G

Telegraph: Helicopter + Position 3

Lumina Score: 2


Telegraph: Helicopter + Position 4
Lumina Score: 3

Posted by mcjadmin in Lessons, Online Lessons

CM-F: Contactless CM

CM-F focuses on footwork and body movement focusing the mind/body in order to isolate moves to a series of dodges for one player while focusing on proper and safe swings for the second player. The object of this CM is to do a continual series of dodges. From a performance perspective, it can be used for a character who controls the fight by demonstrating to the other player that they do not need a saber in order to engage them. It can also be used to portray a weaponless character who needs to avoid getting hit in order to escape, reach a weapon or any other circumstance. This CM is contributed by Santiago Martinez.

Telegraph: Lumen A version: 2 Arms held out to the side in parallel OR Lumen B version: Put saber away and taunt.
Lumina Score: 3

All while stepping backwards

Posted by mcjadmin in Lessons, Online Lessons