Code of Conduct

Incident Reporting of Accidents

Harm goes beyond just hitting and also goes into verbal such as “I’d like to hit that guy” or “X type of people are st^8id”. We can’t tolerate that in any capacity.
It’s extremely important, that all students agree to a standard of safety and openness. In the event of an accident or purposeful misconduct, an Incident Report will be logged with the students involved and witnessed by an instructor. All incidents and their results are kept confidential and only available to the affected students. Incidents, once filed, are kept confidentially and only circulated among instructors in order to best serve our students preventing continued issues resulting from the event and as a means of documentation. The purpose of this is to be compliant with our insurance and follow proper business safety and accountability. If you are involved in an incident, you are informed of the resulting Incident Report being written up and its investigation.
In order to rank, individuals must attain a minimum class count before progressing. If an individual is involved in a recorded Incident – not by accident but because of purpose, their class count may be reset to ZERO and may be potentially disqualified from the Knights program or attending classes further.
Example A: Student A comes 9 times and is ready to test, one day they’re practicing and they say something really disrespectful and there are witnesses – Their class count is reset. 
Example B: Student A has a reputation of not tightening their sabers and reviewing their equipment or class. After 2 accidents of sabers flying out of the handle and a verbal warning decides not to check their saber at the beginning of class. A resulting accident occurs as a result, hits someone by accident AFTER they were verbally warned, their class count is reset. 
If a Knight: Candidate is still recovering from their last incident and they cause another Incident, then it would be recommended that they do not become a Knight at all. NOT everyone needs to be a Knight. The idea behind it is to be an instructor and we should not have someone disruptive to the safety guidelines and potentially giving us a bad reputation or worse, injuring someone.
In addition, if after an incident that went unreported but there were witnesses to the event, the instructor or student wishes to move forward with reporting the incident, the leadership can regroup and determine if this qualifies as an incident and determine whether they report it as a formal Incident Report or if they get a Verbal Warning and no Incident Report is recorded. The maximum amount of time for an incident to be reported after is 7 days. If it is agreed to move forward, then we make a note in the Online Incident report but there’s no need to have written version with signatures. We do need to inform the person who committed the infraction. 
SaberCraft Instructors have an option to lighten and “reduce the sentence”. 
Instructors do NOT get their class counts reset from incidents resulting due to an accident or an accidental occurence unless it has been determined that the incident that they were involved in was done out of malicious intent and not accidentally. Knights (non-instructors) may have their class counts reset based on the recommendation of the leadership. 

Disqualifications from the Knights Program

A person may be disqualified for the Knights program if any of these conditions arise via a formal complaint:

  • Candidate refuses to follow the Restraints, specifically Rule #1: No Harm – this includes both physical and verbally.
  • Candidate behaves inappropriately either in class or at public gatherings
  • The team does not feel the candidate is keeping their safety in mind
  • Injury to anyone in class (both in and outside of class)
  • The individual is involved with poaching students for another organization without proper authorization.
  • Candidate misses classes continually – see Rank Suspension
  • Candidate takes upon themselves to represent SaberCraft or LUMINA to the public without permission from the governing body

Rank Suspension

A Knight may continue to take classes and retain their rank but cannot instruct/advise students if their rank is suspended. Rank may be restored as per the conditions listed. Ranks suspension will occur under the following conditions:

  • A matter involving a disqualifier above occurs. Penalty will be determined by SaberCraft Instructors (leadership).
  • Knights who have missed 5 or more consecutive classes have their rank standing suspended. They can renew their status by scheduling a 1 hour skill assessment on their current rank proficiencies with the head instructor. Upon completing the skill assessment successfully, all rights are restored.
  • Skill assessments are scheduled by leadership of the group and there is no guaranteed time but could take 1-6 months.

Please understand, just as in any dance/martial arts studio, many lessons are covered on a weekly basis. We have new initiatives and choreographies every season (3 months). LUMINA meets do not count as classes. Keep in mind that LUMINA meets are for sparring and sport. They are not meant for teaching. Sitting a class out does not count as class attendance.

Posted by mcjadmin in Curriculum, Knights

Entire Choreography: KvR – CM 21 – CM 24

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Posted by mcjadmin in Advanced Program, Curriculum, Knights, Lessons
Become a Knight

Become a Knight

Hmmm...seems like you haven't logged in yet. Did you know that you can login by creating a Free SaberCraft Online account? Just Register today.
Posted by mcjadmin in Advanced Program, Curriculum, Knights
Advanced Classes Day 1

Advanced Classes Day 1

Hmmm...seems like you haven't logged in yet. Did you know that you can login by creating a Free SaberCraft Online account? Just Register today.
Posted by mcjadmin in Advanced Program
Not a Costume Club

Not a Costume Club

We are not a costuming club of any sort.

Below are a list of difference that set us apart from fan-based clubs out there.

The BIG Difference: It’s simple to start. You don’t need to spend money on equipment or countless hours creating a costume in order to be an “Official Member”. Simply show up with your curiosity, learn and have fun.

It’s about you – not performances. Though we may have participated in non-paid performances in the past, we tend not to do performances simply because of the amount of time and coordination. We conduct teaching workshops that are absent of any particular genre and are focused strictly on empowerment. Any events we participate in are free and all participants are volunteers. Many of our students build friendships that go beyond the class. Many folks are part of the local Renaissance Festival as well as various Science-Fiction conventions and may dress up for events like that. Our system is a means of choreographing for any type of saber/staff-related fight – genre-free.

We teach yoga, fitness and empowerment and utilize an LED stunt saber. We focus on the sport of combat choreography and do not incorporate any form of fantasy-specific genre in our competitions.

– Lead instruction is provided by a Yoga Alliance certified RYT 200 Yoga Instructor.

– We incorporate guided Meditation into our practice.

We require that you wear sport/fitness appropriate apparel to class. We love costuming outside of class, but our focus in class is clashing LED sabers and making it look and feel incredible. If you happen to love cosplay or larping and would like to gain a skill that you can incorporate with your cosplay then we have what you are looking for.

We invented our system – We use a combat choreography system focused on making the fight like a dance of saber play. We utilize the LUMINA Notation System and expand on it by utilizing patterns and forms of various martial arts. Other groups have their own target system that’s focused on hitting your opponent. Our combat choreography system is built to choreograph fights. Our form is not meant to hit anyone but rather to give the illusion that it’s an actual fight.

Documentation. All our lessons and various screen fights are notated so once you understand the notation, you can learn the choreographies.

Our classes have lessons plans and there is a curriculum. In other words, you’re not coming to a class and learning something random…..ever. Every class ties into every class; there is a curriculum built out and we approach topics seasonally.

We meet regularly at set times. Rain or shine as we meet indoors.

Safe Space. We charge to cover rent because our operation is conducted indoors in an air conditioned, safe environment and requires a stellar sound system as many choreographies have audio associated with them. We do not meet in parks unless it’s an informal gathering.

We end every class with an “immersive experience” that must be conducted in a controlled environment.

– Easy to learn. Can you learn how to fight with a saber similar to what you may see in the movies? Of course you can! But the system is not built on any genre terms that you’ll find in other clubs like “Dulon” or “Makashi” or other words that are tied to the Star Wars universe. We are not associated to any film series or genre. Our system is self-built from the ground-up.

These classes are to teach how to use a prop and build a system of integrated movement choreographies. We have a different approach to fitness and well-being. Here, the LED stunt saber lights the way in our path to health in both body and mind. We started the lightsaber movement in Miami and are the longest running group in South Florida.

Still not sure? Read more about why this is the class for you.

Posted by mcjadmin in General
Fundamental Rules: The Restraints

Fundamental Rules: The Restraints

Yoga is a core element to SaberCraft. Yoga goes beyond touching your toes. Yoga is an established system of rules and postures to provide a better lifestyle. SaberCraft goes beyond LED stunt-sabers to provide an environment for students to feel safe and grow. in order to provide this environment, our Knights and participants must adhere to the following rules which are part of the Yoga philosophy.

The Restraints:

These restraints are what we practice to work best as a group. They are pretty much 5 rules of what not to do: 

  • Rule #1: Do not harm
    Safety is the most important part of our work. We are not here to spar with each other and potentially hit someone. Harming others results potentially in being removed from the program. If you compromise safety and injure someone, you will be kicked out.
  • Rule #2: Do not lie
    Beyond the occasional white lie, lying should avoided – most importantly involving practice. If a student is working with another on a choreography and there is work to be practiced and it’s not being done then the student should not lie about their inability to practice. By lying, a student may endanger another. Honesty is extremely important between participants. The same applies to strikes. Striking should be honest. The focus is to clash sabers or provide that appearance. If one is attacking there is a three-fold goal:

    • Do not injure your opponent
    • Make contact with your opponent’s saber
    • Be honest with their strikes and intentions.
  • Rule #3: Do not steal
    Stealing is not acceptable in any way. This goes beyond the theft of anything physical. Theft can also be applied to our encounters and fellowship. Don’t steal another’s “thunder” as the saying goes. Examples of theft:

    • If a fellow participant is involved in another activity and you steal their time involving something outside of class.
    • If a student is working on something for a requirement and you steal their time to work on a choreography that is outside of their level or will impact their current work.
    • If a student is feeling particularly positive and you come and willingly take them to a negative place. We are to create an environment where everyone feels welcomed and we must respect why each and every participant is here. This is not a group-therapy session. This is not a space to provide emotional support nor babysitting.
  • Rule #4: Do not waste
    In the same effort of not stealing, we should adhere to not wasting. By wasting we mean:

    • Taking up class time to discuss things that are not relavent to class. We have 120 minutes to be effective. By taking time in class to distract members eats up time that they’ve allocated to waking up and driving to Downtown Miami for class.
    • Signing the group up for ineffective means of getting leads or giving back. We believe in doing public performances, but the idea should be that if folks are taking time to practice and dress up for an activity – there should a be a pay-off. Our focus on events is to expose the community to SaberCraft and what we’ve learned. Pay-off does not have to be monetary but should be in overall fellowship with the group. There should be some good to come out of it for the group. Considering our student’s time, no event should take place during class time as that would split the group.
    • Everyone’s time is precious, let’s avoid burn-out which happens when we sign-up for more than we can chew.
    • If you have volunteered for something, see it through. Do not volunteer hastily for any responsibility or duty and then voluntarily choose to fail. It lets the team down, others will have to pick up for it. Respect for everyone is vital to the development of our community.
  • Do not hoard
    Theft, lying and wasting inevitably lead to hoarding. Hoarding can happen when one wants all the attention and credit. When one rises above the team and makes their goals the priority rather than taking the team and it’s members into consideration.

    • Taking credit for someone else’s work
    • Focusing on being in the limelight at a performance or class.
    • Hoarding happens when one believes in exclusivity. It is the mentality of “Us vs Them”. Thinking that involves the mindset that “This is “my” team and I don’t want a particular person/group from joining.” Everyone is welcomed and the work is to be shared by everyone.
    • Hoarding happens when one believes that they should be the only member that role plays a particular character or role.
    • Hoarding involves putting students against each other by the creation of faux teams that distracts the students from their responsibilities and makes them feel unwelcome.

What is really important in all of this is understanding others. Not everyone is a comedian or has a knack for comedy. We all believe that we can be really funny, but what’s funny for someone can be offensive for others. What’s important is how you react to how others receive your comments or intentions. Have fun – but do it responsibly. This is not a space to divide but rather to lift.

As Knights we need to take our practice to the highest levels. Knights are responsible to keep a high level of respect and safety as the environment of the class. Once we lose respect for each other, the team falls apart. Once safety is compromised, then the very foundation of our group will fall apart. As Knights, the responsibility is on us to provide a space for others including ourselves to feel like they can grow. A space where they can rise above everything and elevate.

With these restraints in mind we begin our journey together as a team. Ready to learn how this will improve you as a member of the team, let’s move on to The Observances.

Posted by mcjadmin in Curriculum, Knights
Ranking: Level 0 – Candidate

Ranking: Level 0 – Candidate

Hmmm...seems like you haven't logged in yet. Did you know that you can login by creating a Free SaberCraft Online account? Just Register today.
Posted by mcjadmin in Advanced Program, Curriculum, Knights
Miami Int. Book Fair: E.K. Johnston’s Ahsoka Book Talk

Miami Int. Book Fair: E.K. Johnston’s Ahsoka Book Talk

SaberCraft opened for E. K. Johnston’s “Ahsoka” Book Talk at the Miami Book Fair International. Performing to a crowd of over 150 children & teens, Magic City Knights Ahsoka, Tsundra, Inti performed a quick 3 person choreography. Thank you Miami Book Fair & E. K. Johnston for the mention.

Sabercraft Knights geared up and performing for E.K. Johnston’s book talk on Ahsoka. Pick it up today!

In partnership with

Miami Book Fair

Miami Book Fair

SaberCraft has no affiliation or make representation of Hasbro, Lucas Arts, The Walt Disney Company, Lucasfilm LTD, or LFL LTD. All costumes in videos/photography are non-profit event related involving cosplayers outside of the realm of SaberCraft or it’s associates’ control or domain.

Posted by mcjadmin in Archive, Event