Recovery is the act of saving a failing CM during the exchange. If a team partner looses their place, or is confused and their partner can get them back on track in less than than 2 moves, the CM is “recovered” and counts for its full points including powerplays. To define “bringing duets back on track” it all comes down to pace. Both partners should work together in order to pickup a possibly incomplete CM or Powerplay by continuing a particular pace throughout the CM that does not deviate. Three or more misses of a CM constitutes an Incomplete.
Example Recoveries:
1. If the lumens ended up switching (offensive vs defensive) but both made switch at same time and completed (just the opposite side). Assuming the pace remain consistent, this counts as a recovery.
2. If the lumens ended up switching (offensive vs defensive) in mid-CM but both made switch at same time and completed (just the opposite side). Assuming the pace remain consistent, this counts as a recovery.
Winning the Season
The Champion plays a crucial coaching role and becomes a judge in the following season. Their role is titled the “Baseline” as their score is not tallied but they may participate with active Lumens who are competing in order to provide them an advantage with their proficiency. The Baseline fills in for empty spots in any given game where only and odd count number of players are available. Their partner receives the points from the round, however the Baseline does not.
If the Lumen opts not to judge 75% or more of the following season’s matches, they are disqualified from participating in the following season’s games.
A Handicap is when you offer an advantage/disadvantage to your players. On any given game, a set of CMs may be worth higher or less points. This can help “shake things up” as a CM that usually is worth many points may, for a game, be considered worth less.
For example, say in your upcoming game, your judges agree that CM-N and CM-G are worth 5 points while CM-D and CM-E are worth 1 point. This helps challenge your Lumens to learn as many CMs as possible so they are always ready when handicaps are thrown into the play.
Handicaps should be communicated at least 2 weeks before the next game. Handicaps apply to both formats of the game.
Example Play: