
CM Styles as proposed by Gulf Coast Saber Training

CM Styles as proposed by Gulf Coast Saber Training

Introducing CM Styling as proposed by Gulf Coast Saber Training! Desso Faulkner and team have remixed CM-A and proposed various modifications to match a style of fighting. To learn more about Gulf Coast Saber Training and join them in practice in Pensacola, FL, check out their facebook page and drop them a line.

GCM A - S: CM-A Swashbuckler Style

Swashbuckler Style Notation

GCM-A-S: CM A Swashbuckler Style

GCM A-L: CM A Longsword Style

Longsword Style Notation

GCM-A-L: CM A Longsword Style

Mixing it all up!

Mixing it up

In this version, we mix up CM-A in various ways to make it quite a workout. No need to switch between more CMs - but rather, stay focused on 1 CM and exploring its movement in continual repetition. Tapas, discipline through heat, is the focus of this activity.

CMs in this exercise: GCM A - S: CM-A Swashbuckler + Longsword + Regular Style


Telegraph: Fist pointed out at your opponent (ASL-A)
Lumina Score: 1

GCM-A-S: CM A Swashbuckler Style

GCM-A-L: CM A Longsword Style

Posted by mcjadmin in General, Lessons

LUMINA Duets 2017 Rules

Lumina Duets is a LUMINA game type where participants, also known as Lumens, compete in teams against each other for points in timed or numbered rounds. The goal is for each team to successfully complete as many CMs as they can. Each successfully played & defended CM earns the team points. Each team’s Lumens work together to achieve the highest amount of points in a round. Each round, a Team of Lumens face off and points are accumulated. Points are counted as successfully committed and defended CMs. The objective of each Team is to obtain the highest amount of points. The winners are the team with the highest score at the end of the game. The winner of the game is the team that completes the last round with the most points.


  1. Play must be conducted in a 30x30 square arena.
  2. Determine how many rounds are needed to end the match: 4, 8, 12 or specify if it is a timed match, e.g. a 2-minute match with unlimited number of rounds.
  3. Each round is consisted of turns which are consisted of exchanges..
  4. A turn is where 1 participant engages against the other player using either 1 CM or up to 2 CMs (in a PowerPlay) of choice.
  5. Participants switch role as attacker after each turn.
  6. Attacker must telegraph to Defender of incoming CM.
  7. CMs are pre-assigned combinations of points. Each CM is a different value and divided into 3 categories:
  8. Simple CMs are worth 1 point.
  9. Advanced CMs are worth 2 points.
  10. Extended CMs are worth 3 points.
  11. Styled pauses & locks are also counted as steps.
  12. Interrupting pauses nulls points in turn. Team is awarded points if attacker and defender successfully complete the CM the attacker intended.
  13. Points are awarded to the team, not the players.
  14. Attackers must step forward.
  15. Defenders must step backwards.
  16. If attacker forgets a strike or defender misses the attack, the CM is invalid and the turn switches to the defender. See Recovery in our Additional Rules online.
    CMs can be played in combinations resulting in a “Power Play” for an additional point. Attacker must combine 2 different telegraphs prior to engaging in the attack. A maximum of 2 CMs can be played consecutively. Power Play points are granted to the winner of the turn. Depending on the complexity determines the points.
  17. For example:
    2 Simple CMs: +1 = 3 Total Points
    Example: CM A (worth 1 point) + CM H (worth 1 point) PLUS +1 for the Power Play results in a total of 3 points for that turn.
    1 Simple + 1 Advanced: +1  = 4 Total Points
    Example: CM A (worth 1 point) + CM G (worth 2 points) PLUS +1 for the Power Play results in a total of 4 points for that turn.
    2 Advanced CMs: +1 = 5 Total Points
    Example: CM I (2 points) + CM J (2 points) PLUS +1 for the Power Play results in a total of 5 points.
    1 Advanced CM + 1 Extended CM: +1 = 6 Total Points
    Example: CM J (2 points) + CM K (3 points) PLUS +1 for the Power Play results in a total of 6 points.
    2 Consecutive Extended forms: +1 = 7 Total Points
    Example: CM E (3 points) + CM K (3 points) PLUS +1 for the Power Play results in a total of 7 points.
    Striking participant incurs a penalty upon injury to partner. The worse the injury, the worse the penalty. Minimum penalty is 1 point, maximum penalty is disqualification.
    Matches should be non-verbal. Recovery must be non-verbal.
  18. Powerplays are always a modifier of +1Individual Lumina chapters may develop their own CM chart and point allocation system as long as all Lumens are familiar with the recognized CMs.

Simple: +1

  • CM-A
  • CM-H

Advanced: +2

  • CM-B
  • CM-C
  • CM-G
  • CM-I
  • CM-J
  • CM 11
  • CM 12
  • CM 13

Extended: +3

  • CM-D
  • CM-E
  • CM-F
  • CM-K
  • CM-L
  • CM-O
  • CM 14

Against the Clock

  • CM-A
  • CM-H

Rounds Based

  • CM-B
  • CM-C
  • CM-G
  • CM-I
  • CM-J
  • CM 11
  • CM 12
  • CM 13

How to play:

  1. Gather 2 participants
  2. Flip a coin for opening attacker
  3. Begin timer or Set number of rounds
  4. Participant A telegraphs a CM of choice to Participant B
  5. Both engage
  6. Upon successfully completing the CM or a mistake occurring, the turn is over and roles switch
  7. Participant B telegraphs a CM of choice to Participant A
  8. Both engage
  9. Upon successfully completing the CM or a mistake occurring, the turn is over and roles switch
  10. Repeat until timer or number of rounds is completed
  11. Determine points based on CMs & Powerplay combinations.

How to win:

  • Winning team of players is team that achieves the most amount of points in a given match.
  • Tournaments may be played in brackets with singles or doubles.


  • Only 2 players: Use a camera/phone to capture the match and make the judgement calls after the fight.
  • 3+ players: Have at least 1 player watch and make the judgement calls.

How to get prepared:

  • Learn the forms & the telegraphs
  • Practice in Accelerators

Example Play:

Advanced Play

Fundamentals Play

Posted by mcjadmin in Lumina

Start a LUMINA League

Start a LUMINA league
If you are new to LUMINA and want others to join in on the fun, it has to start with you. Every grassroots organization starts with folks like you. If you have a passion for sabers and battling like something out of the movies has been something you’ve always longed for, you can get started much easier than enrolling in a course and spending lots of time and money.
Our lessons are free and are online. Joining our team is just as easy as registering on our website and contributing to the conversation while meeting new people from all over the world. So now it’s up to you.
How to start a team
1. If you have your own school already, simply set up a LUMINA class day where you’ll show your students or the public the fundamental CMs.
2. If you don’t have a school, and it’s just you, find a park where you can meet others and contact us and let us know. We’ll set up a Facebook Event and a Meet-up in your area to help get things moving along.
3. After you’ve met with others who are interested, start practicing the routines. Over and over, going up and down the ladder until you have a good rhythm with them.
4. Establish a League Representative that is the organizer of your team. Let us know and we’ll publish you under our Chapters and help build your team’s growth.

Posted by mcjadmin

LUMINA Duets 2018 Rules

Lumina is a sport where participants, also known as Lumens, compete against each other for points in timed rounds either player against player or team against team.

Lumina is a weapon-combat dancing sport where participants, also known as Lumens, compete against each other for points in timed rounds either player against player or team against team. The focus is on the choreography play occurring between 2 opponents. The objective is to use prearranged combat Choreographed Movements (CM) sequences to either out perform your partner or to work as a team with and accrue the largest amount of successfully delivered and defended sequences. Hits are not encouraged but rather penalized.

All attacks are communicated prior to an exchange by the use of Telegraphy. Telegraphy is a silent gesture that the attacker performs to specify what CM they will be delivering. The concept of Lumina is usually demonstrated with melee weapons but not limited to saber or staff. Weapons are used as instruments and are, in most cases, harmless as they should be blunt instruments and are used primarily as props for the purposes of the game. Safety is encouraged with the use of safety gear such as eye protection, padded gloves and anything that makes the player feel comfortable while not encumbering them.

LUMINA Duets are about teamwork. A team of Lumens works together to create the most dazzling of fight choreographies and try to out-perform all other teams to stage the best fight. Each round, participants face off and points are accumulated. Points are counted as successfully committed or defended CMs. The objective of each round is to obtain the highest amount of points. The winner is the team with the highest score at the end of the game. The winner of the game is the team that completes the most amount of points they've accrued through CMs.  


Simple: +1

  • CM-A
  • CM-H
  • CM-Q

Advanced: +2

  • CM-B
  • CM-C
  • CM-G
  • CM-I
  • CM-J
  • CM-N
  • CM-R
  • CM 11
  • CM 12
  • CM 13

Extended: +3

  • CM-D
  • CM-E
  • CM-F
  • CM-K
  • CM-L
  • CM-O
  • CM-P
  • CM 14

How to play:

  1. Gather 2 participants
  2. Flip a coin for opening attacker
  3. Begin timer or Set number of rounds
  4. Participant A telegraphs a CM of choice to Participant B
  5. Both engage
  6. Upon successfully completing the CM or a mistake occurring, the turn is over and roles switch
  7. Participant B telegraphs a CM of choice to Participant A
  8. Both engage
  9. Upon successfully completing the CM or a mistake occurring, the turn is over and roles switch
  10. Repeat until timer or number of rounds is completed
  11. Determine points based on CMs & Powerplay combinations.

How to win:

  • Winning team of players is team that achieves the most amount of points in a given match.
  • Tournaments may be played in brackets with singles or doubles.


  • Only 2 players: Use a camera/phone to capture the match and make the judgement calls after the fight.
  • 3+ players: Have at least 1 player watch and make the judgement calls.

How to get prepared:

  • Learn the forms & the telegraphs
  • Practice in Accelerators


Recovery is the act of saving a failing CM during the exchange. If a team partner looses their place, or is confused and their partner can get them back on track in less than than 2 moves, the CM is “recovered” and counts for its full points including powerplays. To define “bringing duets back on track” it all comes down to pace. Both partners should work together in order to pickup a possibly incomplete CM or Powerplay by continuing a particular pace throughout the CM that does not deviate. Three or more misses of a CM constitutes an Incomplete.

Example Recoveries:
1. If the lumens ended up switching (offensive vs defensive) but both made switch at same time and completed (just the opposite side). Assuming the pace remain consistent, this counts as a recovery.
2. If the lumens ended up switching (offensive vs defensive) in mid-CM but both made switch at same time and completed (just the opposite side). Assuming the pace remain consistent, this counts as a recovery.

Winning the Season

The Champion plays a crucial coaching role and becomes a judge in the following season. Their role is titled the “Baseline” as their score is not tallied but they may participate with active Lumens who are competing in order to provide them an advantage with their proficiency. The Baseline fills in for empty spots in any given game where only and odd count number of players are available. Their partner receives the points from the round, however the Baseline does not.

If the Lumen opts not to judge 75% or more of the following season’s matches, they are disqualified from participating in the following season’s games.


A Handicap is when you offer an advantage/disadvantage to your players. On any given game, a set of CMs may be worth higher or less points. This can help “shake things up” as a CM that usually is worth many points may, for a game, be considered worth less.

For example, say in your upcoming game, your judges agree that CM-N and CM-G are worth 5 points while CM-D and CM-E are worth 1 point. This helps challenge your Lumens to learn as many CMs as possible so they are always ready when handicaps are thrown into the play.

Handicaps should be communicated at least 2 weeks before the next game. Handicaps apply to both formats of the game.

Example Play:

Advanced Play

Fundamentals Play

Please Be Safe

SaberCraft recommends that you seek the advice of your physician before commencing any exercise routine. Like any sport, injuries may occur and safety gear is always recommended including padded gloves, eye protection and proper athletic wear. We provide a warm-up guide on The participant assumes any & all risks of injury associated with or in any manner related to participation in any LUMINA-related activity, including injury resulting from the negligence of any party. We’re not responsible for any injuries that may occur while practicing or performing. Now that we got the legal stuff out of the way, let’s dive in.

Advanced: +2

  • CM-B
  • CM-C
  • CM-G
  • CM-I
  • CM-J
  • CM-N
  • CM-R
  • CM 11
  • CM 12
  • CM 13

Extended: +3

  • CM-D
  • CM-E
  • CM-F
  • CM-K
  • CM-L
  • CM-O
  • CM-P
  • CM 14


  1. Play must be conducted in a designated area/arena, we recommend a minimum of 30' x 30'.
  2. Each match can either be set by time-limit or a predesignated number of rounds.
  3. Each round consists of turns between Lumens. If the match is time-limit based, then it's unlimited rounds; if the match is Round-based then it's up to a particular round. You can also do a hybrid of both: 10 rounds or 2 minutes - whichever happens first.
  4. A turn is where 1 participant engages against the other player using either 1 CM or up to 2 CMs (in a PowerPlay) of choice.
  5. Participants switch role as attacker after each turn.
  6. Attacker must telegraph to Defender of incoming CM.
  7. CMs are pre-assigned combinations of points. Each CM is a different value and divided into 3 categories:
    1. Simple CMs are worth 1 point.
    2. Advanced CMs are worth 2 points.
    3. Extended CMs are worth 3 points.
    4. Styled pauses & locks are also counted as steps. Interrupting pauses nulls points in turn.
  8. The Team is awarded points if attacker and defender successfully complete a CM.
  9. Points are awarded to the team, not the players.
  10. Attackers must step forward.
  11. Defenders must step backwards.
  12. If attacker forgets a strike, the CM is invalid and the turn switches to the defender.
  13. Optional: CMs can be played in combinations resulting in a “Power Play” for an additional point. Attacker must combine 2 different telegraphs prior to engaging in the attack. A maximum of 2 CMs can be played consecutively. Power Play points are granted to the winner of the turn. Depending on the complexity determines the points. For example:
    1. 2 Simple CMs: +1 = 3 Total Points
      For example: CM A (worth 1 point) + CM H (worth 1 point) PLUS +1 for the Power Play results in a total of 3 points for that turn.
    2. 1 Simple + 1 Advanced: +1  = 4 Total Points
      For example: CM A (worth 1 point) + CM G (worth 2 points) PLUS +1 for the Power Play results in a total of 4 points for that turn.
    3. 2 Advanced CMs: +1 = 5 Total Points
      For example: CM I (worth 2 points) + CM J (worth 2 points) PLUS +1 for the Power Play results in a total of 5 points for that turn.
    4. 1 Advanced CM + 1 Extended CM: +1 = 6 Total Points
      For example: CM J (worth 2 points) + CM K (worth 3 points) PLUS +1 for the Power Play results in a total of 6 points for that turn.
    5. 2 Consecutive Extended forms: +1 = 7 Total Points
      For example: CM E (worth 3 points) + CM K (worth 3 points) PLUS +1 for the Power Play results in a total of 7 points for that turn.
  14. Optional: Weight classes have different saber thickness. The larger the opponent, the thinner the saber.
  15. Striking participant incurs a penalty upon injury to partner. The worse the injury, the worse the penalty. Minimum penalty is 1 point, maximum penalty is disqualification.
  16. Suggestion: It's good in larger groups to have 2 versions depending on player level. A Fundamentals version that only uses a small number of CMs for beginners and where strike/defenses rules are more lenient. An Advanced version of the game would then open it up to more/all the CMs and rules would be strictly enforced. For a demo, see below for example play.
Posted by mcjadmin in Lumina

Series 20: Ep VII – KvR – CMs 21-28


CM-22: KvR (old)

CM-22: KvR

CM-24: KvR

CM-25: KvR

CM-26: KvR

CM-27: KvR

CM-28: KvR

Posted by mcjadmin in Lessons, Online Lessons

Create your own CM-Library

How to create a CM-Library

In this video, we introduce you to how you can take any theatre / saber choreography club work and convert it into a library that you can use to optimize your classes. These can also be used to offer as your own school's unique library of staged choreography battles. You can use this same quick lesson to create your own LUMINA Battles to introduce game play to your saber battles.

Posted by mcjadmin in Advanced Program, Curriculum, Knights, Lessons, Online Lessons

CM-S: Lock Spins

CM-S: Lock Spins

CM-S demonstrates how you can build a CM out of anything including shapes. Based on an "S", this CM takes the letter's design and flips it while incorporating a lock-spin whereby 2 lumens lock their sabers and spin their bodies as they they complete the saber standoff..

This CM is notated by SaberCraft Knight Spencer Jock.

Draw a line in front of you across the ground.
Lumina Score: 2

Posted by mcjadmin in Advanced Program, Curriculum, Knights, Lessons, Online Lessons

CM-W: Amazon Training

CM: W - Amazon Training Scene

CM-W is based on Wonder Woman's battle against Antiope during training.

This CM is notated by Desso and Anna Faulkner of Gulf Coast Saber Training. Visit Gulf Coast Saber Training, in Pensacola, FL (Northern Florida) to learn about combat choreography and olympic saber sports including TPLA-based training.

CM-S is based on Wonder Woman between Diana and her mother during training.
Lumina Score: 3

Original Clip - Amazon Training Scene - Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman clip from "Wonder Woman", 2017 courtesy of Warner Bros.,  Atlas Entertainment, Cruel & Unusual Films, DC Entertainment, Dune Entertainment (in association with) (as Rat-Pac Dune Entertainment LLC), Tencent Pictures, Wanda Pictures. Wonder Woman, its characters, costumes, and all associated items are the intellectual property of Warner Bros. © & ™ DC Entertainment. or Gulf Coast Saber Training have no affiliation with Warner Bros, DC Entertainment or any of their partners.

Posted by mcjadmin in Advanced Program, Curriculum, Knights, Lessons, Online Lessons
Florida Supercon 2019 Portraits

Florida Supercon 2019 Portraits

Florida Supercon 2019 Portraits

“Portraits of our SaberCraft Knights and Lumeneers. Photos by Susan Parker and Maricruz Gonzalez.”

From Supercon 2019 Portraits. Posted by SaberCraft on 7/16/2019 (61 items)

Generated by Facebook Photo Fetcher 2

Posted by mcjadmin in Event, News