LUMINA ™ – Saber Battles Remixed

LUMINA is a weapon combat-based sport where Lumens (players) compete for points in timed rounds using battle choreographies sequences (CM). This is a combination of part choreography and part improvisation to build saber-mastery among its participants. All attacks are communicated prior to an exchange by the use of Telegraphy, a silent gesture that the attacker performs to specify what CM they will be delivering.

LUMINA is all about teamwork. Teams of Lumens work together to create the most dazzling of fight choreographies and try to out-perform all other teams to stage the best fight. Each match, Lumens are teamed up with other players to battle in choreography combat. Through each match, each players gains points every time they successfully commit and/or defend a sequence (CMs). The objective of each player is to obtain the highest amount of points. The winner of the game is the player that completes the most amount of points.

Duets Games usually end with a pair of winners. Players who play across multiple games in the season accrue points across games. The Lumen who collects the highest amount of points is the Season's winner.

Rules Changes: Every year, our rules are reviewed and updated to ensure fair battle play by reducing loopholes or exploits. Scores are also changed depending on CM as we review the time it takes to complete each CM or if a CM is modified. Duets 2019 Rules - Duets 2018 Rules - Duets 2017 Rules


From beginner to the most advanced Lumens, can play as LUMINA combines knowledge of the CMs that you and your partner already know. On this page you can learn how to play LUMINA but before you do be sure you've visited the following sections:

  1. Our Notation System
  2. Learn as many CMs as you'd like. The more CMs you know, the more interesting the matches will be.
    Beginners should know at least: A, B, C, D.
    Intermediate should know: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J,
    Advanced should know: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M and more.
  3. Learn the Telegraphs of each CM you plan on using.
  4. Download the LUMINA Rulebook v1.0
  5. Learn the rules of LUMINA.
  6. Time to play.

How to get involved

  1. Register on this website for free to access all the CMs.
  2. By registering, you're automatically registered to start LUMINA competitions and we'll keep score.
  3. Join our Lumeneers Facebook Group to hear all the latest updates & share your videos.
  4. Find a friend and get started.

Become a Patron

How to Score Points

Simple: +1

Advanced: +2

  • CM-B
  • CM-C
  • CM-G
  • CM-I
  • CM-J
  • CM-N
  • CM-Q
  • CM-R
  • CM 11
  • CM 12
  • CM 13

Extended: +3

  • CM-D
  • CM-E
  • CM-F
  • CM-L
  • CM-O
  • CM-R
  • CM-S
  • CM 12
  • CM 14

Super: +4

  • CM-K
  • CM-O
  • CM-P


  • CMs can be played in combinations resulting in a “Power Play” for an additional point. Attacker must combine 2 different telegraphs prior to engaging in the attack. A maximum of 2 CMs can be played consecutively. Power Play points are granted to the team as part of each of their individual scores. Depending on the complexity determines the points. For example:
    • 2 Simple CMs: +1 = 3 Total Points
      For example: CM A (worth 1 point) + CM H (worth 1 point) PLUS +1 for the Power Play results in a total of 3 points for that turn.
    • 1 Simple + 1 Advanced: +1  = 4 Total Points
      For example: CM A (worth 1 point) + CM G (worth 2 points) PLUS +1 for the Power Play results in a total of 4 points for that turn.
    • 2 Advanced CMs: +1 = 5 Total Points
      For example: CM I (worth 2 points) + CM J (worth 2 points) PLUS +1 for the Power Play results in a total of 5 points for that turn.
    • 1 Advanced CM + 1 Extended CM: +1 = 6 Total Points
      For example: CM J (worth 2 points) + CM K (worth 3 points) PLUS +1 for the Power Play results in a total of 6 points for that turn.
    • 2 Consecutive Extended forms: +1 = 7 Total Points
      For example: CM E (worth 3 points) + CM R (worth 3 points) PLUS +1 for the Power Play results in a total of 7 points for that turn.
    • 1 Super CM + 1 Extended: +1 = 8 Total Points
      For example: CM K (worth 4 points) + CM E (worth 3 points) PLUS +1 for the Power Play results in a total of 8 points for that turn.

Round Types

How to play Against the Clock (Speed):

  1. Gather several participants
  2. Split them into teams of 2 lumens each
  3. Select “Against the Clock” time-based (e.g. 2 minute match with unlimited rounds)
  4. Roll a die or flip a coin to determine opening team.
    Roll with the highest number is selected winner and opens the game or the team can designate order.
    Flip a coin for opening attacker or use other selection method.
  5. Begin timer for 2 minutes.
  6. Lumen A telegraphs a CM of choice to Lumen B
  7. Both engage in the turn
  8. Upon successfully completing the CM, the roles switch
  9. Lumen B telegraphs a CM of choice to Lumen A
  10. Both engage in the turn
  11. Upon successfully completing the CM, the turn is over and roles switch
  12. Upon finishing the 2nd turn, the round is over. Continue to next round.
  13. Repeat until timer is completed.
  14. Determine points based on CMs & Powerplay combinations.
  15. Team that rolled next highest number goes next.

How to play Rounds:

  1. Gather several participants
  2. Split them into teams of 2 lumens each
  3. A game of 3 Rounds is selected (e.g. 3 round match - each player has 3 turns for a total of 6 exchanges) and up to 3 minutes Max time.
  4. Roll a die or flip a coin to determine opening team.
    Roll with the highest number is selected winner and opens the game or the team can designate order.
    Flip a coin for opening attacker or use other selection method.
  5. Begin timer for 3 minutes for the entire match..
  6. Lumen A telegraphs a CM of choice to Lumen B
  7. Both engage in the turn
  8. Upon successfully completing the CM, the roles switch
  9. Lumen B telegraphs a CM of choice to Lumen A
  10. Both engage in the turn
  11. Upon successfully completing the CM, the turn is over and roles switch
  12. Upon finishing the 2nd turn, the round is over. Continue to next round.
  13. Repeat until timer is completed or designated end round has completed.
  14. Determine points based on CMs & Powerplay combinations.
  15. Team that rolled next highest number goes next.

Winning a Game:

  • Winning team of players is team that achieves the most amount of points in a given match.
  • Games usually end with 4 winners = 2 for Speed and 2 for Rounds.
  • Tournaments may be played in brackets with singles or doubles.


  • Only 2 players: Use a camera/phone to capture the match and make the judgement calls after the fight.
  • 3+ players: Have at least 1 player watch and make the judgement calls.

How to get prepared:

  • Learn the forms & the telegraphs
  • Practice in Accelerators

Winning the Season

LUMINA 2020 will be conducted across 3 games throughout the year. Each LUMINA Game day will have a Speed division and Rounds Division. To win the season, Lumens must have the highest score across the entire the season adding their scores across all 3 games per division.

Example: Jill plays in Speed across all 3 Games. Her highest scores in Speed across all 3 games are:
Game 1: 30  -  Game 2: 25   -  Game 3: 25
Jill's Seasonal Score is 80

Add up all the highest scores keeping the Speed and Rounds division scores seperate. The player with the highest score is the Champion for the season. The 2nd highest achieves 2nd Place and 3rd highest achieves 3rd Place.  If there is a tie for any spot, a Tie-Breaker must be conducted. The result will then determine which of the 2 places as the next available slot, with the loser of the Tie-Breaker taking the lower place.

Language & Terminology:

  • Lumeneer - A practitioner of LUMINA, its notation and or its games.
  • Lumen: a player.
  • Duet - a team of Lumens working together in a match.
  • Power Play - a combination of 2 CMs successfully performed consecutively.
  • Turn - one exchange between players where one participant does their Exchange. In a 2 person
    game, the turn ends after 1 player has completed 1 exchange. When their turn is completed,
    then their opponent’s turn begins. When both turns are completed, then a round is said to be
  • Round - (2 turns) - a round completes when each Lumen has completed 1 turn.
  • Match - a series of rounds between 2 Lumens.
  • Game: A collection of matches of the same type: either Against the Clock or Set Rounds.
  • Game Type - Set Rounds - When a series of rounds between 2 Lumens has completed.
    Example, a match can be based on 3 rounds with each round presenting 2 turns. This would
    give the players 3 rounds where they have 1 turn per round. A total of 6 turns between players.
  • Game Type - Against the Clock - When an unlimited series of turns between 2 opponents has
    completed in a designated amount of time. The standard Against the Clock game is done in 2:00
    minute matches per Duet.
  • Win - a count of points granted to a player (if playing with the Baseline) or team (Duet) for
    successfully completing a Match.
  • Draw - an equal amount of points granted to players of a game.
  • Loss - a count of points given to the player who scores the lesser amount of points in a given
    Ranking - overall standing taking all players into account.
  • Telegraph - a silent gesture that the attacker performs to specify what CM or Power Play they
    will be delivering.
  • Incomplete - a turn that is interrupted by the attacker or defender missing a particular in a CM

Teams are set up as 2 Lumens working together. The objective is for you and your teammate to successfully complete as many CMs as you can. If the attacker in a CM strikes the wrong target point or hesitates or if the defender does not defend properly against a CM attack, the CM is incomplete.

Whichever Lumen can go first and there are a variety of ways to choose but it's up to the players. Once someone has been designated the beginner of the match, they do their first CM(s), when they are done, their teammate (playing the opponent) now get's to go and choose their CM. Once they have completed their CM, that round is over. Depending if you are doing Number Rounds or Time Limits, you keep going back and forth between teammates. Each player should have a turn in a round. They keep switching back and forth


Lumen 1 telegraphs that they will do CM B. Lumen 2 acknowledges. Lumen one does all the moves of CM B and Lumen 2 successfully blocks all 12 strikes, the CM is successful and the team scores.

Lumen 1 telegraphs that they will do CM B. Lumen 2 acknowledges. Lumen one begins doing CM B and as they approach, Lumen 2 gets nervous and locks up. Lumen 1 stops doing CM B as there is no block in place and their turn is over. It is now Lumen 2's turn.

To enhance your gameplay, check out the Advanced LUMINA Rules.

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LUMINA ©2017. All rights reserved.
Attribution-NonCommercial - CC BY-NC - 2017.
Permission is granted to copy, distribute with modifications and edits along with Attribution but not for Commercial under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Public License ("Public License").
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