
CM-B: Angle attacks with targets 2-10-4-8

CM-B: Angle attacks with targets 2-10-4-8 & Intro to Choreographed Movements

This lesson highlights targets 2-10-4-8 and are all the 4 points for CM-B. Choreographed Movements are a unique feature of the SaberCraft Saber Combat-Choreography system. By combining various combinations of sequences, one could choreograph a fight very easily. These choreographed movements are a part of the LUMINA Saber Games TM developed by SaberCraft.

Telegraph: Palm pointed out at your opponent, All fingers pointing up (ASL-B)
Lumina Score: 2

Posted by mcjadmin in Online Lessons

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Whether you bought your LED saber and it’s been a while since you used it or if you’re part of a costuming troupe of entertainers, this class will take your saber game to the next level. Now that you’ve joined our list, you’ll stay on top of our latest lessons that we publish on our Youtube Channel.

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View our tutorials to help you get in the game.

Posted by mcjadmin

RoundTable PodRacers interviews SaberCraft

Join us on RoundTable PodRacers, where we are interviewed by hosts Ana (@legeekyliife) and Julie (@infinityjules ) to discuss Lightsaber combat and choreography.

Posted by mcjadmin in Archive, General
Fundamentals Day 1

Fundamentals Day 1

Hmmm...seems like you haven't logged in yet. Did you know that you can login by creating a Free SaberCraft Online account? Just Register today.
Posted by mcjadmin in Curriculum
Florida Supercon 2017

Florida Supercon 2017

Error 100: Your album id doesn’t appear to be accessible.

Posted by mcjadmin in Event

CM 21 – 22 Choreography Sample

Below is a dramatic battle notated by Samantha Huddleston, Julie Failde, Ana Ma Jácome & Alfred Smith inspired by a classic cinematic battle. This particular battle is not screen accurate but rather an interpretation of a given choreography. Many of the pauses, sprints and environment factors are not in this choreography. The choreography has been divided into their respective Choreographed Movements (CMs) and are classified as CMs 21-24. Below is the first half of the fight consisting of CM21 - CM22. Interested in seeing the rest of the fight, register now for Free. This way we update you when we upload new choreographies.

PDF Version (Temporal Notation)

Turn on Subtitles/Closed Captions to see Notation in action.

Ready to learn the rest for Free?

Register now and view the remainder of the fight, broken down, point by point so you can learn from anywhere.

Not for reproduction. Notation copyright: 2017

Posted by mcjadmin in Lessons
Testing Requirements

Testing Requirements

In order to properly rank in SaberCraft, members have to qualify to move up the various ranks through a system of tests whereby their abilities are challenged. Below are basic testing requirements as to how testing is conducted. Keep in mind that the goal of testing is to create accomplished practitioners and, above all, instructors. It is not to prove who is the “baddest saberist on the block”. This is not about proving who is the best but rather proving who is the most committed in spreading the love of the art that we practice.

Minimum Time

The first basic requirement is time. There are certain time limits that one must successfully complete prior to moving up in rank. This prevents really gifted students from joining the organization and attain a high rank in a matter of months without developing the kinship needed to properly foster a community. Our focus in SaberCraft is not about building world-champion saber choreographers but rather helping people develop themselves internally and assembling community builders. Hours can be completed in classes and workshops. Fundamentals classes tend to be 1 hour while Advanced Classes are 2 hours. Workshops are 3 hours. The time limits listed below are based are reset when the student progresses to the new level. They are not accumulated based on the previous hours.

  • Fundamentals to Advanced: 6-8 hours
  • Advanced to Rank 1: Initiate: 25 hours (4+ months)
  • Rank 1: Initiate to Rank 2: Acolyte: 50 hours (9 months)
  • Rank 2 Acolyte to Rank 3: Fellow: 75 hours (1 year)
  • Rank 3: Fellow to Rank 4: Master: 100 hours (17 months)

Before a student can test, the minimum required time needs to be completed. A recorded log of all classes is kept by SaberCraft and a student can request for testing as soon as they meet the minimum time.

Examination Requirements

As you go up in rank, the testing criteria and requirements grow more difficult. Most students will attain Rank 1 – Initiate whereby they can test the skills that they learned throughout Fundamentals and the Advanced Classes. To be able to complete the task is one thing, but to be able to successfully complete a number of tasks together, that’s where the challenge lies. For example, if you want to prove that you can do “Downward Dog”, that’s just 1 posture. In the case of Rank 1, you may go down a checklist of requirements and check them off one by one, but when you enter into Rank 2 or above, certain areas of the exam are done in sequences.


Sequences are a group of movements put together and completed in a sequential order. So going back to the last example, doing “Downward Dog” may not pose a challenge but if you have to do all 18 Yoga postures in a single sequence with proper timing, that gets to be a bit more difficult. So for the higher ranks, students are expected to complete entire sequences from start to finish. Testing is not considered completed until the entire sequence set is completed. If you fail during a part of a sequence, you are given 2 additional attempts per month. After 3 failed attempts, you must wait 30 days before re-testing.


A person may be disqualified for the Knights program if any of these conditions arise:

  • Candidate behaves inappropriately either in class or at public gatherings
  • The team does not feel the candidate is keeping their safety in mind
  • Injury to anyone in class (both in and outside of class)
  • Unable to provide confidence in the ability to pay monthly dues
  • Candidate misses classes continually
  • Candidate takes upon themselves to represent SaberCraft to the public


Posted by mcjadmin in Curriculum