Your Journey Begins Now

Pack your bags, you’re jumping on this express to a wonderous academy where you’ll meet folks from all over interested in everything from meditation to saber combat. If you haven’t purchased an LED Combat Saber, we highly suggest purchasing one to bring to class. Although it is not required. We have extras LED Combat Sabers but they are first-come, first-serve.

No action is needed on your part. The instructors have been notified and you will recieve a follow up notice.

Congratulations on your first step to becoming a SaberCraft Knight. Your title is:


What’s Next

We’ll have an initiation ceremony where you’ll be presented your sash and you will cover the outline of the program including it’s featured benefits which include learning:

  • Meditation
  • Yoga / Movement
  • Standardized Saber Combat
  • Staged Choreography

The initiation also begins your journey to find your inner Hero. Who this person is and who you will manifest on stage. It’s quite an experience so be prepared to look deep inside yourself if you haven’t done so already. Your imagination is limitless and truly powerful. Let’s start your journey on the right foot.

From there you will receive the requirements to advance to the next level and the testing date when it will be conducted.

Welcome to the
SaberCraft Knights